Privileged Access Management


Privileged accounts in the crosshairs

Privileged accounts in the crosshairs

Hackers continually evolve the methods they use to gain access to your systems and data. Ultimately, they want to get to your privileged accounts. In nearly every recent high-profile breach, privileged accounts have been compromised to gain access to critical systems and data.

Overgrown complexity

Overgrown complexity

You can limit the damage from a breach by deploying solutions that provide a secure, efficient, and compliant way to access to privileged accounts. However, traditional privileged access management (PAM) solutions involve complex architectures, lengthy deployment times and onerous management requirements.


Managing privileged accounts securely

Managing privileged accounts securely

Our Privileged Access Management solutions mitigate security risks and help you achieve compliance by securing, controlling, monitoring, analyzing and governing privileged access to critical organizational data and applications. The full credentials are available when necessary and you can limit access with granular delegation for least privileged access. All privileged activity is recorded, and all keystrokes are logged with real-time analyzation of activity and data, halting unknown threats immediately.

Balasys services

Balasys services

The result is enhanced security and easier compliance with more efficient administration and governance of privileged access. Balasys’s consultancy services will help you identify your privilege management challenges and assemble the right solution set. We can customize our implementation services to meet your exact requirements. After implementation, our training services will boost the efficiency of your operations staff. Should you need further assistance, we can help you with operations support.

See the benefits of Privileged Access Management:

Mitigate the potential damage of a security breach

Meet compliance requirements related to administrator activities

Identify high-risk privileged users, risky behaviors and unusual event

Quick ROI with simplified deployment and management

Customized consultancy services

Fast, flexible implementation

English and Hungarian technical support

Education services